Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Good morning that's a nice tnetennba!

I joined the gym yesterday finally.  I have been a lazy bum for too long. 
I did 100 things on the inner thigh machine and my legs are a bit sore today :(
But I liked the gym anyway and I am going to go again today!

Friday, 18 June 2010

My arches

A short video of my arches. I think I have quite flat feet, but my point has improved loads since I started ballet. I have a theraband, but it doesn't seem to do much. I find doing changements makes my feet work much more! I need to practice more!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010


This is where I stand now, well as of yesterday.
I will post the other videos from yesterday too.
It is bad. I need to improve my turnout and also lose about 3 stone!


I am starting this blog again. I am not happy with my life, I am not necessarily unhappy, just not...happy. I haven't achieved what I want. Not that I haven't achieved a lot, because compared to other people I have done loads. But I set my self too many things that I want to do. However, if I stop setting goals, it just gets worse.

I feel my life is a series of tickboxes set by myself and others. For example, my 43 things list:

June 16, 2010

1. take one picture a day as a way to document my life
- I know this is NEVER going to be completed, mainly because I forget.
2. complete everything on my summer list
- I am slowly getting there, but some things on the list don't really need to be done.
3. walk 10,000 steps a day
- I forget to wear a pedometer.
4. eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day
- probably not
5. list three things every day that made me happy
- again, I forget.  Or I saw this yesterday and couldn't think of specific that day related joy.
6. wake up when my alarm clock goes off
- aaargh, part of biggest problem.
7. go to bed before midnight
- I have got better, much better that when I live away.  I still went to bed about 2:30 last night.  And for what reason.... I was reading article on how raunchy Miley Cyrus is getting and thinking 'I knew it would happen'.
8. do a bridge
- this was one of my biggest goals last year and I completed it to a certain degree.  I had an ok bridge at the end, but it wasn't very strong and my arms weren't vertical so it stayed on the list.
9. do the splits
- another goal I want to do.  I tried stretching every day and got better, but then I stopped and I am really bad again.
10. do a backbend
- sort of the same as the bridge, I need to perfect the bridge first.
11. do a back walkover
- need to complete backbend and bridge first.
12. do a front walkover
I need a good strong handstand.
13. learn to wing on one foot
- I am getting there.  I can wing on one foot now, but only from starting on two feet.
14. upload my pictures
- wll I lost most of them, but I need to save some of other peoples facebooks and upload them again.  It is hard though when people upload approximately 200 pictures a day from the tall ships trip!
15. keep in contact with my friends
- not very quantifiable, but I try.
16. learn how to shuffle cards
- always fun, not really one of my lifetime goals however.
17. make a scrapbook
- for my pictures...and to get rid of the bloomin' big box of stuff that is under my bed!
18. pass Grade 8 violin
- aaaargh! I really am rubbish at the violin.  I passed my grade 5, but I am tone deaf!
19. read all the books on the BBC Big Read Top 100
- very time consuming, especially when I have other books that need reading first.
20. read all of the books I own
- too many
21. visit every country in the world
- I want to do this, it probably doesn't need to be on the list though.  I am not going to complete it soon and forget!
22. visit every city in my country
- I think this is a nice goal, and from discussing with my flatmate about people that travel but don't know their own country very well I set myself this goal.  However, I would only visit a new city once a month at the most frequent.
23. leave my city once a month, leave my country once a year
- agglomeration of the last two.  Just a bit more poetic.
24. visit all 50 states
- America, America.  People think it is all California, Florida, New York and the South.  At least it is split into 4 though.  Not that much can be said about England, or even the UK!  Most people think it is just London.
25. go on a road trip with no predetermined destination
- A car and/or driving license would be helpful.
26a see the Northern Lights
- need to save up.
27. climb Britain's 3 highest peaks
- I'm going to Ben Nevis next week! (done Snowdon)
28. go surfing in Cornwall
- Cornwall's nice.
29. learn to surf
- can be achieved with the above.
30. go to Carnival in Rio de Janeiro
- I would love this!
31. be a scantily clad carnival dancer in Brazil or Trinadad
- I would love this more!
32. learn the subtle differences between British English and American English
- I have written about 23 things, I think I will stop at 50. (subtle, not blaringly obvious)
33. watch the top 250 movies on the Internet Movie Database
- I worked out if I watch 1 film a week, this will take 5 years to complete.  And I am behind!
34. be an extra in a movie
- would be fun.
35. be in a musical
- would be amazing.
36. open up my own campsite
- like the euroesque campsite that I spent many happy summers in.
37. own my own architectural firm
- I am not sure about this one yet, whether I want my own, or whether to join a big one for big projects.
38. get 1,000,000 video views on youtube
- This is down to many of the previous goals.  I need to get good first.
39. write a list of 100 classical pieces that everyone knows
- I am working on it
40. run a 5k
- I will go on a jog later
41. identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money)
- I have identified 1
But I just feel I am rubbish at everything.  Am I spreading myself to thinly, matbe, but what about those annoying people that are good at everything.  I hate them! lol
I could start by getting up early I suppose